Annual report


Five-Year Strategic Plan

In July 2021, each service and department finalised their individual Strategic Plans which will be used as a basis for prioritising and focusing their work during the next five years. These plans were used as the basis for creating Towards Tomorrow – Ahu ana ki āpōpō; Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga’s Five-Year Strategic Plan for 2021 – 2025.

Towards Tomorrow – Ahu ana ki āpōpō is made up of five priorities for the wider organisation. More than words, these five objectives are a statement of intent – tauākī whakamaunga atu – that breathes life into the mahi of each of our wraparound services, guiding our steps as we build hope together in the lives of the whānau we support.

While using this plan and the objectives within it as a foundation for much of the mahi we are involved in, we also recognise the need to be flexible because the focus of community need can change very quickly, and it is Visionwest’s intention to proactively respond to such changes.

The five objectives are shown in the illustration to the right.

Towards Tomorrow – Ahu ana ki āpōpō can be viewed in full on our website here.

Vision Wests 5-Year Strategic Plan

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