Annual report

Campus Developments

Looking Ahead – Glendale Road

Over the years we have seen many thousands of lives transformed. While it has been an honour to be a part of these transformational journeys, we are also aware that there remains much work to do. As an anchor organisation in the West Auckland community today, Visionwest has a duty to look ahead so we are prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

The Road Ahead: It Takes a Village

Part of our plan to meet these future challenges is to develop and transform our current Glendale Road site to create a new village community for West Auckland that provides community housing alongside modern support service facilities and shared spaces that nurture whānau, enabling communities to thrive.

At a time when the number of people experiencing homelessness is at an all-time high, the development will incorporate 23 apartments for whānau who might otherwise have nowhere to go. And at a time when, every year, the demand on Visionwest’s services is growing, the development will provide a space for effective support service delivery that is both accessible and mana-enhancing.

Matariki Sunrise Vision West

Next Steps on The Journey

While the Glendale Road development is currently in the planning and fundraising stage, the team at Visionwest is excited about the difference this will make to the West Auckland community and the individuals who trust us enough to allow us to accompany them on their pathway to transformation.

Vision Wests Christmas from the Heart

“As I envision our future, I am reminded of a traditional pa site, where Whare Kai (place to eat), Whare Karakia (place of prayer), Whare Kainga (home) and Pātaka (store house) coexist harmoniously. A village pā that serves as a sanctuary for whānau, upholding their mana, and for some, restoring their mana and fostering genuine connections through whanaungatanga and manaakitanga, with every pā having a sacred waharoa or entrance way.”

Fred Astle, Pou Whakarae,
Head of Māori Development & Education

Matariki Sunrise Vision West

Artist’s impression of Community Housing

Matariki Sunrise Vision West

Concept drawing of campus as seen from Glendale Road

Vision Wests Christmas from the Heart

“When you have nowhere to live, you’re always on the move, and you live in a state of constant stress – it never goes away. You have to think about things like, ‘Where are the local shops?’ ‘What school are the kids going to go to?’ ‘Is this a safe neighbourhood for our kids?’ And, each time you move, you have to settle your children into a new place. Being in a stable community changes everything.”

Ono and Anna

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Visionwest Flood Response


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Visionwest Flood Response